Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Louhelankenttä is a field area located in Mehtimäki Sports Park, right next to the indoor ice rink. Louhelankenttä has acted as an event area for example for Farmari 2015 and Taitaja2019 events. The area works well as a temporary parking area for events and is also suitable as a venue for various sports events or tournaments. In winter, Louhelankenttä has an outdoor ice rink.

Map of Louhelankenttä

Joensuu events louhelankenttä


Länsikatu, 80100 Joensuu


9700 m2


Always determined on an event-by-event basis


Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Events suitable for the venue

  • Sports and exercise events
  • Markets and exhibitions
  • Circus and funfair
  • Temporary parking lot / bicycle park

Events held on the venue

Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Apply for an event permit

Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Special traits of the venue

Joensuu events Louhelankenttä

Notable in use

Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Surfaces and stationary sturctures

Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Sanitary spaces

Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Construction and demolition

Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Maintenance traffic and parking

Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Water, electricity and lighting

Joensuu events louheankenttä

Internet connections

Joensuu events louhelankenttä

Transportation and traffic arrangements

Joensuu events louhelankenttä
